Monday, March 26, 2007

the spiritual value of Christian public prayer

This quote came from The Merton Institute for Contemplative Living today:

“Contemplation is a gift of God, given in and through His Church, and through the prayer of the Church. St. Anthony was led into the desert not by a private voice but by the word of God, proclaimed in the Church of his Egyptian village in the chanting of the Gospel in Coptic—a classical example of liturgy opening the way to a life of contemplation! But the liturgy cannot fulfill this function if we misunderstand or underestimate the essentially spiritual value of Christian public prayer. If we cling to immature and limited notions of “privacy,” we will never be able to free ourselves from the bonds of individualism. We will never realize how the Church delivers us from ourselves by public worship, the very public character of which tends to hide us “in the secret of God’s face."

Seasons of Celebration [SC]. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1950: 26-27


  1. Hellow, I am Manuel Valls, ocd, Cuba. I dont Speak Englisch.
    My Blog is:
    About Thomas Merton.

  2. gracias por tu visita, Manuel. Tu Web site es muy bueno. Lo agregaré a mi blogroll.
