Saturday, May 26, 2007


[drawing by Thomas Merton]
Merton’s prayer life was nourished by the psalms, the public prayer of the Jews. He prayed and sang the psalms every day throughout the day for twenty-seven years.

“Through the words of the Psalter sung in choir with his brothers, he joined himself to the groaning of all creation by the public voicing of its longing, complaint, wonder, trust, and praise at the mysteries of being alive.” (Jonathan Montaldo, “Dialogues with Silence”)
I have added links to the sidebar of this blog to the Universalis web postings of the prayers of the Hours.


  1. Way back in high school, I began reading Merton. I recall a pamphlet on the psalms and from that booklet I became attached to and memorized psalm 130, the De Profundis ... my soul waits for the Lord more than sentinels wait for the dawn (I think that was the translation). In some way, every time I pick up a psalter, Merton is there beside me.

  2. I think I will look up that psalm, Barbara. Thanks.

    I can't seem to shake Merton from my shoulder either :-)

  3. Merton and the Psalms, they both nourish my life. Thanks for sharing Beth. Good stuff.

