Thursday, December 20, 2012

A Series of 6 short films on Dorothy Day

A series of six short films on Dorothy Day

Part I
Sainthood cause for Dorothy Day (4 min)

Part II
Who is Dorothy Day? (5 min)

Part III
Dorothy Day's unpopular stance  (5 min)

Part IV
A high regard for saints

Part V
The movement flourishes after Dorothy Day's death

Part VI
A desire to keep the saint real


  1. greetings beth


    thanks for the stuff on Day as in a past post
    i got in big time hot water with Abbot Marion
    over the Catholic Worker and Dorothy , not to be mixed up with the over the rainbow Dorothy! like Mertom
    i dont think Days saint hood thing is going any where
    its just to human and not enough beatific vision stuff
    - if there is such a thing well good luck with that !
    just my view but every one is entailed to there own
    theological out look- well may be in 500 years its like the Joan of Arch !

    Christmas Blessings _____________________________-

    1. my 2 cents ...

      the days of beatific vision are over.
      somewhere we made the turn, crossed the line,
      and from hence forward
      we find what we seek only in the here and now,
      matter, the ordinary ... this!

      in some circles it's called: incarnation.

      I'm reading a book now about John Cage, Zen Buddhism, the inner life of artists. I forget the name of the book, but it explores what was going on with artists in the 40s and 50s. Merton was definitely on that wavelength as well. Lax too. Some say that it takes the rest of us about 100 years to catch up with what the artists are intuiting. I find it very hopeful (and exciting).

      christmas blessing to you, bob. always appreciate your 2 cents.

  2. I have the feeling that the Church might be changing, despite its great reluctance and inertia.
    As with the Republicans, demographics changes everything!

    1. I have that feeling, too, J. Something (change?) is in the air.

  3. Dorothy Day had a profound effect on my life. I met her at a conference in Tivoli which I sat in on at the age of 15 or 16. My family was spending the day at Tivoli. We had a marvelous time with Stanley and all the kids and John the farmer and then we went to mass with Dorothy. I stood next to her. She was a very powerful presence. Later, I became a community organizer. In my career, I have always fought for justice for those disenfranchised for any reason. I do not believe that is an accident, it is partly my mom's example and partly Dorothy paying special attention to me that day when the discussion was around housing code in Harlem and the application of such to move the poor out of housing being rehabed for gentrification. I worked to prevent gentrification in Chicago and then later with women and children to prevent the loss of housing in Massachusetts. Dorothy was not a person who preached at you. She had the quiet confidence that God's work would be done with the quiet encouragement of a smile. I did not realize her influence until much later in life. I believe everything that is said about her intervention with health - she did not turn away anyone no matter how ill they were. Most people think that that is how most people are - I can attest that most people do not associate with illness, disability or strife. It takes a very special person to ALWAYS see the person as the illness, addiction, takes a person to places they never contemplated and as his or her family forget they are family.

    1. thank you so much for this rare and honest recollection of Dorothy Day. You've captured something.

  4. The big push about getting Dorothy canonized is all about getting her story out there. She is arguably the most significant American Catholic of our times. Merton, her friend, is up there as well. I am a member of the national board promoting her cause. Check us out at Like the Risen Christ, her presence is with us in all we do here at our Casa Esther Catholic Worker House located in Omro, WI. (Green Bay Diocese) (Fr.) Joe Mattern - Director

    1. thanks, Fr. Joe. Looks as if Francis is on a roll. I agree, sainthood would get her story out there, and that would be a very good thing. I would love to see Catholic Worker Houses in every diocese in the US.
