Thursday, March 6, 2014

time (1)

Photo of Thomas Merton by Eugene Meatyard, 1967
"The Liturgy accepts our common, everyday experience of time: sunrise, noonday, sunset; spring, summer, autumn, winter. There is no reason for the Church in her prayer to do anything else “with time”, for the obvious reason that the Church has no quarrel with time. The Church is not fighting against time. The Christian does not, or at any rate need not, consider time an enemy. Time is not doing her any harm, time is not standing between her and anything she desires. Time is not robbing her of anything she treasures."

-Thomas Merton, Seasons of Celebration (FSG 1965)


  1. Although I have pretty much everything Merton ever wrote, when someone else posts something it helps me to focus and re-appreciate his wisdom. Much obliged.

    1. I thought I was the only one who had most everything Merton ever wrote :-) … I, too, like to see how others put it all together too. I never quite know what I'm doing here, though.

  2. Lovely~ just the message I needed today!

  3. Lovely photo. Saw this for the first time. Beautiful! Thanks for sharing, Beth. This and the other photos of Eugene Meatyard seems to capture what Merton is all about.

    Unlike most of us who are mostly in a hurry and short of time, the Church has come to terms with time and even sanctified it! Maybe we need to slow down a bit to realize that "time is not an enemy," and that our time and space, to borrow the words of Gerard Manley Hopkins, "is charged with the grandeur of God."

    -- Matt
