Tuesday, September 20, 2016


The energy in the universe is not in the planets, nor in the atomic particles, but very surprisingly in the relationship between them. It’s not in the cells of organisms but in the way the cells feed and give feedback to one another through semi-permeable membranes. The energy is not in any precise definition or in the partly arbitrary names of the three persons of the Trinity as much as in the relationship between the Three! This is where all the power for infinite renewal is at work: 
The loving relationship between them. 
The infinite love between them. 
The dance itself. 
In other words, it is an entirely relational universe. If, at any time, we try to stop this flow moving through us, with us, and in us, we fall into the true state of sin—and it is truly a state more than a momentary behavior. It is telling that the first destabilization of the foundational structure of the atom (in New Mexico in July 1945) created the atomic bomb. With supreme irony, the test site is still called “Trinity” as Robert Oppenheimer first named it. 
The divine flow either flows both in and out, or it is not flowing at all. The “trap doors” at either end must be kept open in order to both receive and let go, which is the work of all true spirituality. The Law of Flow is simple, and Jesus states it in many formulations such as “Happy are the merciful; they shall have mercy shown to them” (Matthew 5:7). Or as we cleverly put it “What goes around comes around.” We are conduits.
- Richard Rohr O.F.M. The Divine Dance: The Trinity and Your Transformation (Whitaker House: 2016), 55-56, 71-72


  1. Bless you, Beth, for the gifts you give through this blog.

  2. 2Cents -

    Richard is good stuff -
    the trinity in the aspect dance,
    dancing reality in and out of existence
    an ever dynamic process ,
    god does not sit on his ass -

    blessings ------------------------

  3. Currently reading The Divine Dance AND A Way to God, Thomas Merton's Journey to Creation Spirituality. A lifetime spiritual seeker, it's all starting to come together for me now.
