Wednesday, January 11, 2017

The good is to be done because it is good

“The good is to be done because it is good, not because it goes somewhere. I believe if it is done in that spirit it will go somewhere, but I don’t know where. I don’t think the Bible grants us to know where goodness goes, what direction, what force. I have never been seriously interested in the outcome. I was interested in trying to do it humanly and carefully and nonviolently and let it go. We have not lost everything because we lost today.” -- Dan Berrigan
The photo -- Dan's last arrest -- was taken Good Friday, 2 April 2011, at the USS intrepid, the floating war museum moored on the Hudson River.
HT: Jim Forest


  1. I believe this approach to making a change applies to the ACA, which was done because it was good. It might need adjustment (and health care delivery, too, needs work), but it is good. It has value and shouldn't be abandoned to the profit motives of the market place. I appreciate President Obama's values.

  2. thank you thank you ,Beth
    Blessings -
