Photo (by me) from the Basilica of Sts. Cosmos and Damian, Roma |
HT to John Predmore SJ for the following:
I would like to talk about God’s care for this family, but in the words of a priest from the Archdiocese of Boston. Fr. Ron Coyne reflected upon his experience of God and summed up God’s commitments to us in ten points. I simply want to read them to you, and it is spoken as if God is personally speaking them to us.
1. I love you unconditionally. You can’t earn that love, and you can’t lose that love.
2. I accompany each of you on your life journey, and I am aware of the pain and joy in your life. I share your pain and I celebrate your joy.
3. There is no limit to my forgiveness. If you are open to the need to transform your life, you will experience and understand that forgiveness.
4. You live in my presence now and you will live in my presence after you die.
5. I would never bring about the destruction of the world. If tragedy happens, life will go on.
6. No organized religion has captured me. I will continue to avail myself to the world, and your knowledge of me in this lifetime will never be complete.
7. Evil has nothing to do with my plans. It is a part of life that offers us choices. Good will always outlast evil in the world.
8. I give you all of creation to accompany you on your journey of life. Creation is as sacred to me as your life is. You are to care for each other. Creation is here to enhance your life, and you are the stewards of creation.
9. You will know if a religion is being true to my covenant if it unites humanity. If it is divisive, it does not know me.
10. The poor, the disadvantaged, and those with the least opportunities among you are sacred to me, and your response to their story is indicative to how well you know me.