Friday, January 22, 2010


Please remember Gerry Straub as he returns to Haiti this week.  Gerry is a filmmaker, serving the poor.  His blog is here.

Below is a video that Gerry made in December (before the earthquake).  Most of the filming is of the large Port-au-Prince slum, Cite Soleil (City of the Sun).  I was in Cite Soliel in 1992, a very dense, dark, and dangerous place.  I remember the energy and noise that seemed to encircle us, as we made our way down a few of the streets and alleyways.   For us, it was a tourist attraction of sorts - something we have never before seen or been a part of.  We held on to each other.  Being this close to this kind of poverty is powerful.  It reaches deep into your soul.  You can't turn away your eyes - you have to look.

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