Saturday, April 16, 2022

the Lord of History


The tomb where Jesus's body is believed to have been laid, inside the Edicule in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem


    "He is risen . . . he is not here. He is going before you to Galilee." (Mark 16:6-7)

    Christ is risen. Christ lives. Christ is the Lord of the living and the dead. He is the Lord of history.

    Christ is the Lord of a history that moves. He not only holds the beginning and the end in his hands, but he is in history with us, walking ahead of us to wherever we are going. He is not always in the same place.

    The cult of the Holy Sepulchre is Christian only insofar as it is the cult of the place where Jesus is no longer found. But such a cult can be valid only on one condition: that we are willing to move on, to follow him to where we are not yet, to seek him where he goes before us -- "to Galilee".


Read the rest at the link below ...

Short booklet, "He is Risen", written by Merton in 1967 is HERE

He is Risen


  1. Saint Jesus of Galilee was/is not in any sense the "lord of his-story"
    Please find a completely different Illuminated Understanding of the life & teaching of Saint Jesus of Galilee via these references:

  2. It’s not just about Jesus. This is a message about humanity, all of us, and our story in time. History.

  3. Note that Merton says CHRIST is the Lord of history. (Not Jesus)


The Good Shepherd’s commitments to us

Photo (by me) from the Basilica of Sts. Cosmos and Damian, Roma HT to John Predmore SJ for the following: I would like to talk about God’s ...