Friday, December 27, 2019

his own life flows forth from the mystery of God

Alfred Delp painted in 1939 by his brother-in-law Fritz Kern, who was killed in Crimea in 1941. 
"God is personally here in our midst. ... This is the hidden and holy burden of all the experiences we undergo … 
And man will discover that he is living God's life within himself, in his very heart's core, 
proving the truth of the words of great and intuitive men like Eckhart, St. Augustine and the rest.   
He will arrive at a state of perception in which he realizes that the Supreme Being actually resides within him.   
He will find himself and regain faith in his own dignity, his mission and his purpose in life precisely to the extent that he grasps the idea of his own life flowing forth within him from the mystery of God … 
"Only when a man arrives at that state of mastery and freedom can he breathe freely.   
The world and life itself then owe him nothing for he lives with every fibre of his being… " (pp. 39-40)
- Fr. Alfred Delp SJ, “The Prison Meditations of Father Alfred Delp”, 1963 Herder and Herder New York
See also: The Prison Meditations of Father Delp

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